
We Support the mission of Non-Profit agencies

We’re dedicated to supporting non-profits in making a meaningful impact, and we’re honored to be a part of your journey.

The Bottom Line

  • Charge by hours worked.
  • 15% discount for Non-profit
  • Will work with your procurement processes for tax-exempt.
  • Work to know your unique needs.

Business Network Consulting is proud to support non-profit organizations by offering exclusive discounts on our services while providing specialized solutions for your unique needs. We recognize the invaluable contributions non-profits make to our communities and are committed to empowering non-profits to thrive and make a difference.

Discounted Service: With our discounted rates, non-profits can access top-notch IT consulting services to optimize operations, enhance productivity, and achieve mission-driven goals. We offer a 15% discount to non-profits to help alleviate budget constraints while providing essential IT support.

As a non-profit, you may already have relationships with vendors that provide you with tax-free purchasing options. We will work with your vendors to ensure you get the best price and the most benefit when purchases need to be made. 

Customized Solutions: Non-profit organizations have different needs, and we partner with you to understand your specific and unique requirements while working with custom applications such as volunteer coordination or church management solutions. Sometimes, that customized solution is guidance and documentation on how something can be volunteer-driven and not handled by staff. 

Flexibility: We offer complete flexibility in how things get done. Service is provided hourly, which can be done on an as-needed or on-call frequency. There are options for weekly scheduled times to be available for staff, as well as packages for proactive services for consistent budgeting. 

Flexibility can also be in how larger projects or upgrades get completed. We can help to implement things as budgets allow. We understand that there may be constraints against major cost outlays. We can help plan steps to pay-as-you-go to move into new systems, upgrades, or security systems to accommodate the fluctuating budgets and funding cycles. 

Training and Education: Provide training sessions or workshops tailored to your staff and volunteers, making the most of your IT resources and helping you understand how to use your products and services and the best data security and privacy practices.

Consulting on Grant Applications and Budget: Assisting in planning IT projects or infrastructure upgrades, providing guidance on technology-related proposals, and budgeting